What is it? Do I need to be registered as a parent to conduct homeschooling?

These were the first few questions I have asked myself the same when I first heard it.

The moment I learned the basic of it, I was: SWEET!


Homeschooling or home schooling, also known as home education or elective home education (EHE), is the education of school-aged children at home or a variety of places other than a school.  Usually conducted by a parent, tutor, or an online teacher, many homeschool families use less formal, more personalized and individualized methods of learning that are not always found in schools.


Like any family who dipped their toes on this journey, we are clueless at first.

I was the one who insisted it to my family. My husband, in particular. And it was a journey indeed.

The homeschooling scene is a whole world at itself. A lot of principle has emerged and I gotta tell you, it was another smorgasboard an overthinker and multi-potentialite err, multi passionate mom like me would really rabbit hole into.

So, I eventually made this as my own rule with regards to homeschooling my kids.

This is my one and only rule as a guide in what will I teach my kids.


First and foremost, they are my children, and we are connected in a myriad of ways the world might sort out but, we are connected PERIOD.

hey, that is the beauty of homeschooling. You get to view it as your own. Your family’s own way of education.

This is Just an Intro

I don’t want this as long as a Manual. I just want to welcome you to our homeschooling journey.

In this page, I will share the many things I have discovered as I dived deep into Homeschooling and how we were able to enjoy it, not survive it.

Hope this page will be helpful to you, fellow homeschooling parent! Our family occasionally posts our adventures on Tiktok and Facebook or watch out for more updates here on heynelle.com!