woman raising her hands up while sitting on floor with macbook pro on lap

Freelancing and being a mom

What and how were you able to do all these? Is it really possible? You really working? What about your children? These and more questions were raised whenever I tell them what I do. I would say, I’m a freelancing mom and I do a lot of stuff for businesses that I might be of help.

Blank stares or change topic.

It is not the conventional way to make a living. I get that. So, no need to explain further.

This was me almost 10 years ago. I don’t even call it Freelancing entirely back then. I call it Work at Home. It is much easier to connect with my situation without having to explain much, especially when they know I am not going to work daily anymore.

But currently, FREELANCING MOMs is becoming more and more of a household term.But still, there are women or stay at home moms who haven’t joined the bandwagon.


Before I talk about my mommy life-slash-teaching-slash-freelancing life, and so many other more roles that could bore you, I just want to take a little time travel when females are still not expected to contribute economically. As time goes, women have evolved and became more dynamic as how we are at present – Nowadays, women can work while serving their family and homes.

Gone are the days when women are just a symbol of fertility and submission.

For my generation, it is already acceptable to see women working as leaders of the work force, seen as persons who can contribute to the society, but we are still expected to follow or still influenced by what our family see and aspire us to be.

Somehow, our own desire and voice were still not that heard. We are the confused generation in between the boomers and the millennials. We are the ones who can’t really put or wrap our heads around on what really is about to happen without following the guidance of our own kin.

BUT we are transcending. Before, Freelancing are meant for male skilled workers for plumbing, construction, painters etc. With the technology we can utilize right under our roof, the word has evolved into a more inclusive way. Women can now take care of their family and be paid for their skills without the need to head out of their door. Economically, a win. Mentally, that is going to be one of my topics in the next pieces I will write on the topic of FREELANCING.


Back in 2014, I had to let go of my already stable job. I have this vision that I will retire early and the company I’m working for at that time, will be where I’ll bid farewell to corporate slavery. But life can really be funny. Little did I know, my life will be changed by a little bud growing inside me.

In the middle of my high hopes on getting a better position at work, this little baby came to being.

That baby turned out to be colic-ish, clingy to his mother, and really gives me panic attacks every time he decides to cry for attention, to the extent he will hold his breath until he turns bluish black.

I cannot leave this child to caregivers or family. He was highly dependent on breast milk, and his crying condition gets worse whenever milk supply cannot keep up with his growing appetite.

It came to a point that I have to choose between the baby or an offer for new role in the office. Although that’s a foot on the door to my career advancement – I was left with an all-or-nothing choice.

When finally I decided, it was against my career. I think I bawled my eyes off. Ultimately, my choice has to be for my family. In my heart, If I lose my job, I can still replace it but if I lose my child, it can be more than devastating.

Choosing to lead the Stay-at-home mom path and be with my baby. Everything was never the same again.


At the same time, while I was still trying to decide to leave work and go full-time mom, my father suddenly passed away. It was a very devastating year for me. My father is the only person who can actually “get’ my super unique personality. Trying to hold it all up, trying not to get mad. My post partum, grieving the death of my father, and losing a job, and crushing of my ego. It was the worst of the worst year of my life.

But wait, there’s more!

Without me knowing it, my husband at that time also having a tough time. He needed to leave his job because, well that is another story to tell.

When he told me his plans of quitting his company – I felt him. And so I tried to trust his decision and accept that he must do what he think would be best for our family.


You would have already guessed that the next dilemma I have to face is our finances. A new baby, with no job, no husband support, is not a good mix. So, I was challenged to deal with the situation.

I have to find opportunities. At first, I tried being an insurance advise – but with my little baby still in tow (and we have to present the insurance plans face to face) the setup was more than distressing for my baby. So I tried baking and selling cakes. The cheap selling price here in the Philippines was too much a toll for my energy. I ended up sleeping while the oven is on and burning my orders – I just can’t make it work!

Stubborn as ever, my petty goal at that point was to spend my hard earned money for all my lady needs.

So I went on selling some stuff, it was a bit embarrassing at first, but it pays the lady needs. The funny thing about earning is that you think what you’re getting is still not enough. So, you guessed it, I went out looking for more opportunities. I came across ONLINE JOBS and I eyed myself being a Virtual Assistant. I was adamant at first, unsure and insecure being technologically limited, my learning curve was high.

I started seeking and researching at Craigslist, Jobstreet and the like.


Finally, I got hired as Cold Email specialist – at that point it was called as Online Marketing. I worked part-time. Pay wasn’t lucrative, so I have urged myself to find another part-time job. I got two more, as a Researcher and then another one as an Online English Tutor. At that time, we have to move houses to cut costs. All my job depends highly on quality WIFI connection. Back then, provision of internet is really bad!

I eventually ended up as a Customer Service Representative replying to emails inquiries and disputes for an Australian company.

Overtime, I landed multiple jobs online and I must say, it pretty much became a great opportunity to learn and to earn.

From then on, I found more opportunities online and I was able to help our family financially and then it kind of rolled on and off from there.

a person using a laptop
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com


As life gets tough, and lifestyle demands more monetary flow, it is just wise that the woman of the house pitch in.

Starting as a Virtual Assistant at first. To which later evolved into a Freelancer – I offer my digital skills as a contractor nowadays.

From writing, to content creation I kept learning more skills so I can help my clients’ businesses more.

Why is it a perfect way to earn for us moms?

Freedom of time.

I have enjoyed the fact that I can jump to bed after a hard days work. My kids can come to me if they need help with their worksheets anytime. IF my work load is too much for my current situation, I can decide to terminate the contract smoothly.

This gave me the advantage to be guide my growing kids. My basic principle is: Drop everything when my kids needed me.


Earning not based on time I spent on a project but the output.

Because of the versatility of Freelancing job options, I was able to witness each and every milestones of my children. Before pandemic, we were already homeschooling and I had the best time of my mom life. After embracing the fact that I cannot go back to regular work, I was finding it more appealing and efficient to offer my digital marketing skills to different clients here and elsewhere in the world.

This makes work at home a perfect income generating option, for a full time housewife.

Freelancing equipment and
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com


Before you can find a client, you must know how to find them, connect, and talk to them to help you find out the pains in their business. The equipments doesn’t need to be expensive and you don’t need to acquire at the get go.

EQUIPMENTS you’ll initially need:

  1. A Laptop – some offer only needs a smart phone like social media
  2. A stable internet connection – at least 100mbps to support your meetings, and performing your work.
  3. Your A-game skill, with which you’ll match with your know-how and empathy on solving the business’ problem.Once you created a proposal specifically for the business
  4. Basic Tools and Apps that will help you deliver faster result.

With these four items, you will be able to efficiently provide solutions to your client’s business.

Being a freelancer gave me the flexibility to attend school activities and pursue being a homeschool-mom while I teach thru experiential learning my kids. It helped me do my dream and reality happen. As a mom, I decided to be intentional in all I do so it will be easier for all of us at home. As a freelancer, being intentional also helps.


For further tips on how to start a Freelancing career at home, stay tuned for more, I will be discussing and sharing some of the practices I do for as a freelance Digital Marketer.

Moms, you can choose to have the best of both worlds – to work or not to work, that is up to you. Financial freedom doesn’t happen overnight but it will happen when you become consistent on a certain skill and you have chosen one MARKET you will serve. This way, all your efforts to scale up will happen faster and effectively.

If you have questions about freelancing feel free to contact us thru: thegeecreatives@gmail.com, I’d be glad to help.

Nelle Gillesania
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